Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, July 20, 2023
Satan’s Madness Is Going On, His Evil Plan Is Terrible!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of July 15, 2023

A hellish heat envelops the countries!
Oh, how much pain in My Heart! How much pain!
A great suffering will embrace Humanity, the filthy Serpent covets the souls of My Children.
They have been taken in by the forger! They have been dazzled by the false lights of the Devil! Now they stand in darkness! They have emptied themselves of their true God, their Creator, to follow Lucifer.
Beloved ones: return to Me, that I may take you on My Arms!
I want to place you on My Chest! I want to give you of Me. Soon you will have the gifts of the Holy Spirit, you will be transfigured into the Image and Likeness of Me, I will work in you and you will be great in Me.
My children: unrighteous man is ready to use nuclear power to destroy the Earth and all it contains.
Awake, O men, awake! Keep faith with My Commandments, put yourselves in a state of grace that I may lift you up to Me, make you safe from this unimaginable doom. Satan's madness is going on, his diabolical plan is terrible! Wake up My children from this deception, ask Me for help: you are too fragile, without Me you can do nothing; have now the courage to say "Enough" to Satan, ... convert! Return to your God Love, the hour is getting terrible! Consecrate yourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Coredemptrix of the Work of Salvation, to Her has been given the power to defeat Satan! She with Her faithful earthly army, prepared by Her to face this last battle, will crush the head of the ancient Serpent.
Onward My Children, you are at the last stage, the time is already closed, I await your victory in Me to make you rejoice in Me forever. Amen. Yahweh.
Source: ➥
Consecration to The Immaculate Heart of Mary
by Pope Pius XII
Queen of the Holy Rosary, help of Christians, refuge of the human race, conqueress of all God’s battles, we, supplicants, prostrate ourselves here at the foot of Your throne, certain of receiving graces, timely help, and protection during the present calamities, not because of our merits, on which we cannot rely, but uniquely by reason of the great goodness of Your maternal heart.
To You, and to Your Immaculate Heart, in this tragic hour of human history, we entrust and consecrate ourselves, not only in union with the Holy Church – the Mystical Body of Your Son Jesus – which suffers and sheds its blood, prey to tribulations in so many places and so many ways, but also in union with the whole world, torn by bitter strife, consumed by the fire of hatred, and victim of its own wickedness.
Look with compassion on all material and moral destruction, by so much pain, so much anguish of fathers and mothers, brothers, innocent children, by so many lives cut down in the flower of youth, so many bodies torn to pieces in brutal slaughter, so many souls tortured and troubled, and so many in danger of being lost for all eternity.
Oh, Mother of Mercy, obtain peace for us from God, and especially those graces which can, in an instant, convert human hearts, those graces which can prepare, establish, and assure peace! Queen of Peace, pray for us and give this world at war the peace for which all people long, peace in the Truth, Justice and Charity of Christ. Give them peace not only from arms, but also peace in their souls, that in tranquility and order the Kingdom of God may expand. Grant your protection to infidels and to all those still walking in the shadow of death; give them peace; permit that the sun of Truth may rise upon them and that together with us they may repeat before the only Saviour of the world: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, goodwill toward men.” (Lk 2:14)
Give peace to the people separated by error and schism, particularly those who have a special devotion to You and among whom there was no home where Your venerable icon was not honoured, and where, at present, it may be hidden in the hope for better days. Bring them back to the One-Fold of Christ, under the One True Shepherd.